
  • 16 Lessons

    Awareness to Action Enneagram Advanced Applications (Level 3)


    • The Awareness to Action Enneagram is a pragmatic and immediately useful as a model of nine distinct personality styles, nine aspects of each one of us, and twelve competencies for how we engage with the world.

    • The content of Level 1 focused on understanding the ATA Enneagram as a model of nine different “types” of people. Level 2 focused on the ATA Enneagram as a map of nine dimensions of each individual, particularly through the nine Core Qualities and Accelerators. Level 2 also showed how to apply an understanding of the instinctual biases, strategies, core qualities, accelerators, and awareness to action process to create a framework for growth and development.

    • Level 3 focuses on the Enneagram as a map of competencies and skills for engaging with the world. These competencies, originally conceived as the Awareness to Action Leadership Model, have applications well beyond leadership and touch every aspect of our lives. While the awareness and action charts create the foundation for the shift of mindset necessary for change and the importance of creating and implementing action plans, the ATA competencies provide the specific developmental activities that allow us to be more skillful.

    • The competencies fall into four categories and, while they are not type-specific, they are mapped to the ATA Enneagram model.

    • Category One is Behavioral Change and comprises the competencies of Awareness, Authenticity, and Action that were covered in Level 2.

    • Category Two is Preparing to Scale and maps to the three Instinctual Biases. The competencies are: Creating Process and Structure; Developing Talent and Managing Relationships; and Expanding Your Network and Personal Brand Promotion.

    • Category Three is Skillful Thinking and maps to Points One, Seven, and Four of the Enneagram. The program goes deeper into the clear-thinking skills that enable participants to exercise Rigor, Curiosity, and Creativity to become better at discernment and problem solving, as well as helping others do the same.

    • Finally, Category Four is Skillful Relationships, focusing on understanding and managing power dynamics, emotional connection, and non-attachment—competencies that correlate to points Eight, Five, and Two respectively.

    • In addition, participants in Level 3 will learn how we weave all the elements of the ATA Enneagram system together to design interventions for our clients, whether they are individuals or teams.

    • The format for Level 3 follows the format of Level 2—seven live sessions supplemented by prerecorded videos. The live sessions will be two hours each from noon to 2 pm Eastern time on Feb 10, Feb 24, March 10, March 24, April 7, April 21, and May 5.



  • 23 Lessons

    Awareness to Action Enneagram Foundation (Level 1)

    • The Awareness to Action Enneagram is a pragmatic and immediately useful as a model of nine distinct personality styles, nine aspects of each one of us, and nine competencies of how we engage with the world, especially as leaders.
    • The Foundation certification program focuses on the first element—understanding how the ATA Enneagram identifies different “types” or “kinds” of people—and how understanding these differences is useful for supporting growth in your work as a coach, consultant, trainer, or OD/HR practitioner. Topics of the module include: clear thinking about the Enneagram, the nine Ennea-type strategies, the three Instinctual Biases, the 27 subtypes, and creating change with the Awareness to Action Process.
    • This program consists of seven two-hour live sessions, conducted every other week. The live sessions are supplemented by over 100 videos, optional monthly Q&A sessions, and small group learning. Participants will watch the relevant videos for each session and the live sessions will consist of review and practice of the material.
    • For maximum flexibility, we have separated the program from a cohort model, meaning you can join at any time. If you miss a live session, you can attend it the next time we cycle through the program.
    • Live sessions meet on Zoom approximately every other Monday from noon to 2 pm Eastern time. The current cycle of live sessions began September 9th and finishes December 9. The next cycle of live sessions are Jan 20, Feb 3 and 17, March 3, 17, and 31, and April 14, 2025. However, don’t wait—register now and get access to all the prerecorded content!
    • Interested in self-directed learning only? We have special rates for participants who only want to access the videos but not the live sessions. (Note: Attendance at the live sessions is required for certification.)
    • If you have any questions or want to further explore whether this is the right program for you, contact us at
  • 13 Lessons

    Awareness to Action Enneagram Foundation (Level 1)—Now Available as a Video-Only Program*

    • The Awareness to Action Enneagram is a pragmatic and immediately useful as a model of nine distinct personality styles, nine aspects of each one of us, and nine competencies of how we engage with the world, especially as leaders. The Foundation certification program focuses on the first element—understanding how the ATA Enneagram identifies different “types” or “kinds” of people—and how understanding these differences is useful for supporting growth in your work as a coach, consultant, trainer, or OD/HR practitioner.

    • While the full certification program includes six live two-our sessions, we are also offering a video-only non-certification program to provide maximum flexibility for learning. Participants will receive access to over 100 videos and a variety other digital content, including ebooks, white papers, and training resources.

    • Topics of the module include: clear thinking about the Enneagram, the nine Ennea-type strategies, the three Instinctual Biases, the 27 subtypes, creating change with the Awareness to Action Process, and a brief introduction to assessing personality type.

    • If you have any questions or want to further explore whether this is the right program for you, contact us at

      *Note: Attendance at the live sessions is required for certification. You can register for that program here.

  • 18 Lessons

    Nine Aspects of the Each of Us: Awareness to Action Enneagram Advanced (Level 2)


    • The Awareness to Action Enneagram is a pragmatic and immediately useful as a model of nine distinct personality styles, nine aspects of each one of us, and nine competencies of how we engage with the world, especially as leaders.
    • While the content of Level 1 focused on understanding the ATA Enneagram as a model of nine different “types” of people, Level 2 focuses on the ATA Enneagram as a map of nine dimensions of each individual, particularly through the nine Core Qualities and Accelerators.
    • The format is essentially the same as Level 1—there will be extensive pre-recorded videos, supplemented by seven live sessions, which will start on April 28, 2025 (Apr 28, May 12, Jun 2, Jun 16, Jun 30, Jul 21, Aug 4, Aug 18).
    • The Core Qualities are deeper aspects of human nature that reside below the surface of our awareness most of the time. All nine of these qualities become stunted in all of us early in life and inner work is about nurturing the maturation of these qualities through a variety of practices. While we can and should work on all nine of them, the stunting of the core quality at our Enneagram point and connecting points are where most of our work should be focused, at least initially.
    • Level 2 shows how to do that by applying the ATA process and Accelerators—practices that nurture the maturation of the Core Qualities.
    • Level 2 also does a deeper dive into Awareness, Authenticity, and Action—not just in applying the ATA Process we cover in Module 1 but discussing aspects of self-awareness and what it means to be truly authentic.
    • Finally, we will show how these elements fit together to help create robust developmental plans for all 27 subtypes using the ATA Awareness and Action Charts. You will learn how to weave together a plan for your own development or that of your clients integrating the instinctual biases, strategies, accelerators, and core qualities.
    • Don’t miss this opportunity to go much deeper in your work on yourself and with your clients.
    • You can only register if you have completed Level 1. 
  • 8 Lessons

    Personalities@Work Course 1 – The Instinctual Biases

    How to work with the three Instinctual Biases (Preserving, Navigating, and Transmitting) that shape what we pay attention to and what we value.
  • 13 Lessons

    Personalities@Work Course 2 – The 9 Strategies

    An exploration of the nine Enneagram types—the patterns of feeling, thinking, and acting that shape how solve the challenges life brings our way.
  • 11 Lessons

    Personalities@Work Course 3 – Strategy Dynamics

    Uncovering how we use the strategies connected to our preferred strategy in consistent and understandable ways.
  • 13 Lessons

    Personalities@Work Course 4 – How to Grow

    Using the Awareness to Action Process to create change for each of the nine Enneagram types and three Instinctual Biases.